Maths Websites to Support Your Child’s Learning in Mathematics | Click on any of the Website Names below to visit their site
Website Name | Notes |
BBC Bitesize | In this section see how knowing about sums, averages, shapes, graphs and measurements can help you out with many tasks. |
Crickweb | |
ICT Games | Click on numeracy and chose an activity from the left hand side |
IXL Games | American based- works on age of children. Range of activities- small screen |
Primary Games | Bit too many adverts and small screen play. Children will need help with instructions. |
Mathszone | |
CoolMath4Kids | |
Math Playground | Word problems, quizzes and puzzles |
NZ Maths | The Ministry of Education website- click on Families |
NRICH | Great website for problem solving, click For Teachers Search by Topic then chose a strand, we suggest Numbers and the number system as a good start. Filter by stage- stage 1 is easier than stage 2, use the stars to further differentiate. |
That Quiz | Practice activities/quizzes/knowledge |
Fun Brain | |
Illuminations | Look under Activities |
About Math | Click on Multiplication Tricks/Resources for access to times table sheets to print |
Calculation Nation | You will need to create a password and log in name. A number of strategy games that combine knowledge and skill, particularly for the older children |
Interactive Stuff | |
Sheppards Software | Click on Math at the top |
Times Table | Table Mountain, selected table |
Multiplication Games | Hours of Fun |
Maths Eyes | Seeing maths in our everyday lives and everyday places – Have you got maths eyes? |
Nrich | For students and teachers with problems to solve in lots of different ways |
You Cubed | This site offers links to a wide range of problem solving activities for a variety of maths topics. |
Which one doesn’t belong | A website dedicated to providing thought-provoking puzzles for math teachers and students alike. There are no answers provided as there are many different, correct ways of choosing which one doesn’t belong. Enjoy! |
Tut Pup | Tutpup is a free to join website where the participant can choose level and type of mathematics they want to explore. The player is given a username and an icon which identifies them when playing against another player. |
Maths Drills | “Math worksheets for teachers, parents and other educators including worksheets for multiplication, fractions, addition, decimals and many other math topics. At, we provide high-quality printable math worksheets with answer keys and other general use printables.” |